By Sam Mills

British Universities and College Sport (BUCS) recently released a report detailing 6 areas within which involvement in a University sport can benefit students, universities and the economy. Involvement was suggested to improve a student’s life in 4 different ways, which were listed as:

  1. Improved Social life, improvements in maintaining/developing positive relationships, improved sense of belonging.
  2. Increases in life satisfaction, general levels of happiness and mental health, plus a marked reduction in anxiety and depressive symptoms when you get actively involved.
  3. Improved academic attainment: participants in sport were seen to generally achieve a higher percentage of first-class/upper second class degrees than non-participants.
  4. Graduate Employability: Participants in University sport are seen to earn more than non-participants. Volunteers of committees come with an additional premium.

There is no time more important than now to prioritise protecting our own mental and physical health! So there is no better time to get involved in a sports club, to meet new people, improve your mental health and to have some of the best memories you can ever have whilst at uni. Go to to learn about all the sports teams available at uni and join today. You can also give Hull Sport a follow on Facebook here: