Issue 001News


By 5th December 2019 No Comments

Kexgill vs Unicom: The Game Is On…

By Eleanor Dawson

Unicom started the hilarity when they parked quite a large sign outside the University Quarters’ new offices. When making such a bold statement I would advise the use of spell check first (it’s Cranbrook btw). This continues when UQ responded with a smaller sign that offered an amazing £59.50 price per week, and then another sign quoting

“it’s not about the size of the sign… it’s what you do with it!”

In a final attempt at retaliation, Unicom brought in a giant RV. The vehicle has a large surfboard strapped to the stairs at the back to ensure safety?! However, I am personally eagerly waiting for a drunk student on the way back from Asylum to tear it down, climb aboard and quite epically break a bone by either falling or jumping off this giant thing. What can students expect next? Kexgill, the ball is in your court now…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Credit: Kelvin Wu